My topic is based on this question: Should children who have special needs be mainstreamed educationally or can this be problematic for them or other students and teachers?
This is something that I would like to know more about, because I have had conflicting thoughts and opinions about it.My aunt has struggled with this issue, as she has pulled her son that has autism in and out of a handful of schools, some mainstreamed some specialized. I would like to study all of the different factors that play into this issue, and how many people look at it and why. It will be interesting to see the different views and opinions that people have on this issue.
What do I already know about this topic? I know certain people who struggled with this issue but I have never researched it and dove into all the arguments that are involved.
What do I hope to learn about this topic? I would like to know about the concerns that go into mainstreaming special needs kids. Why do people feel like they need to separate special needs kids from the rest of the "normal" students?
Who is the ideal audience? Mostly for people who are open to hearing both sides of the argument and would like to know the main advantages and concerns to mainstreaming special needs kids.
Sorry! I must have linked directly to your previous post, so I missed the fact that you had refined your topic. I think the motivation for researching the topic will help you stay motivated; it looks like you've seen first hand how difficult the education of a child with special needs can be. It would be good to see you narrow the audience a little bit to give you more of a focus. Since seeing your aunt's struggle is what inspired you to do the blog, I'm wondering if the parents of children with special needs would be the best audience for your project. I bet your aunt had to learn through quite a bit of trial and error, but maybe you could reach out to parents just starting the journey with their children.